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We offer solutions for a variety of common body pains and ailments. All of our individualized treatments are carefully designed to address your unique conditions and help you live a happier, more comfortable life. We want all of our clients to walk out of Healing Hands Clinic feeling calm, relaxed, and refreshed. Our patients have shared their healing stories below.

If you'd like to share your experience with our clinic, you can submit your story here

Note: The testimonials below share individual's experiences with acupuncture. Each individual's body condition is unique and may respond differently to treatments.


I went to Healing Hands about 5 years ago out of desperation. Out of nowhere, my feet and hands were swelling excessively and I had tremendous pain across my chest and shoulders. I was unable to lift my arms. I went to Healing Hands 3 times a week for a month for treatments on my front and back. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis by a doctor. To this day, the money spent at Healing Hands was the most beneficial money I have ever spent. The relief was felt very quickly and my intense pain and swelling never returned. Guang and Wendy are very professional & masters of acupuncture. Without hesitation, I would recommend Healing Hands. 
Linda K.


I contracted Lyme disease June 13, 2001 while vacationing in Connecticut. Twenty-five days later that tick bite changed my whole life with massive doses of antibiotics and pain medications. As time passed, I became consumed with severe weakness that could not be treated by Western Medicine. In 2010, a friend introduced me to Guang and Wendy Liang at Healing Hands Clinic. In my heart of hearts, if I hadn't found Guang and Wendy I now know that because of their knowledge and diagnositc abilities I would not be walking and I would not be able to enjoy swim and deep water exercise. Guang and Wendy truly care about the patient and it shows in their kindness. I trust them with my health and to keep my body functioning while I battle this disease for the rest of my life. My M.D. totally agrees that they are the perfect balance I need in my life for my health.


Guang has been amazing in helping me get better without all the horrible meditations I used to be on. See I suffer from Chronic Lyme disease and the treatment for Lyme is a regimen of lots of antibiotics that take a toll on your body. Well they made me very very sick, and Lyme along with medications almost took my life. Well after coming across a nice lady that saw how sick I was she told me about Guang and I went to see him right away and he took great care of me. I had to go for double treatments for a long while but he honestly saved my life. If you are sick and have not tried acupuncture I highly recommend Guang. You will not regret it. 


I wasn't really sure where to turn to after suffering from Sjogren's disease for years. Sjogren's is an incurable inflammatory disease where the immune system destroys cells in exocrine glands. It occurs most often in the tear and salivary glands which means super dry and burning eyes and a super dry mouth. When my rheumatologist discussed the option of steroids with me, I just wasn't willing to go there. Luckily, I found Guang at the Healing Hands Clinic and I feel so much better! Not only has the acupuncture helped, but they took the time to teach me what types of food to avoid and it has made all the difference. Now I control it, it doesn't control me! If you are hesitant to make an appointment, you shouldn't be. I highly recommend this skilled and caring team. 

Nancy N. 


Life is better since starting acupuncture with Wendy. I have been in pain since 1992. Over the years doctors prescribed many medications to manage my pain, but the medications didn’t work or made me feel worse. My doctor recommended acupuncture for my pain management, and as soon as the first treatment the pain decreased. Now life is better! I have more energy at work and my co-workers noticed that I am more friendly and easier to work with. Acupuncture is real! It has improved my quality of life and I am very glad the Healing Hands Clinic was recommended to me!  

Alphonso H.

I have been suffering with GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NEURALGIA since September 2004. It is a nerve disorder that manifests itself as an extreme pain at the base of the tongue. The pain lasts from 3 to 4 months and then goes into remission for 3 to 4 months. While the disease is active, I take large doses of nerve medication in various combinations such as Tegretal, Lyrica, Neurotin, and Baclofen. These medications reduce the pain to a tolerable level but have severe side effects, such as loss of balance, disorientation, and tiredness. After a few months of remission during the summer, the pain started again in September 2010. From that time until July of 2011, I used various combinations of the above mentioned medications as well as two surgeries for nerve blocks. None of these actions reduced the pain at all and the side effects were putting a strain on my life, as well as that of my wife. On July 23rd 2011, I received my first acupuncture procedure performed by Wendy Liang at The Healing Hands Clinic. I was receiving acupuncture treatments 3 times a week for several weeks. The results from the sessions were slow to feel improvement in my pain levels. On August 16th 2011, following my ninth treatment the pain disappeared. I continued receiving acupuncture treatments once a week and at the same time started to wean myself from the medications. Today, I take no medications and I am pain free. I now continue with monthly tune-up treatments. I want to thank Wendy and everyone at The Healing Hands Clinic for all their help. 

D. Symon 10/15/11


Ever since I was sixteen years old, I’ve experienced stress, depression and anxiety. Everyday I felt overwhelmed towards life and didn't have the energy or motivation to enjoy the hobbies I used to enjoy. Whenever I spoke, I spoke out of anger that negatively affected my close relationships.
At the Healing Hands Clinic, I experienced change that both I myself see and other people noticed in me. Wendy is a wonderful kindhearted lady. She talks to you as a person, not as just another client. She genuinely wants to help you get better and really takes the time to sit down and get to know a little bit about your life and finds changes that can be made.
I first came to receive treatment for my stress, anxiety and depression and saw results very quickly. I used to have minor chest pains every day, but since the first two treatments, they are now gone. From the treatments, I felt empowered and greater inner strength to do everything. I started waking up everyday looking forward to the tasks I had to do and began working out again. Instead of being overwhelmed by life, I looked to improve myself.
Aside from the physical changes from the treatment, Wendy encouraged me to make better lifestyle choices, such as adopting a better diet. I used to eat fast food all the time, but now I have adopted a diet that includes noodles, rice, chicken, eggs and vegetables. She inspired me to take care of myself and with the calmness I feel as a result from the treatments, I have the energy and motivation to enjoy my hobbies and to take care of myself. 
Felt a lot of people in this country experience a lot of stress, anxiety and depression and its one of those things that you don’t consider doing it for physical, but it really does help the mind and the emotion. Helps with depression and anxiety. It is a wonderful alternative to taking the medications. Even so, it’s a great time to relax and great experience for me. The treatments will lead to change that both you yourself see and what people around you have noticed.  
(Psychological - Stress, Anxiety and Depression)


I have been suffering from migraines that most closely resembled cluster headaches for nearly four years before coming to the Healing Hands. Mornings were the worst, I would wake up around 5 m with stabbing pains in the right side of my head that would last for up to an hour before allowing me to fall back asleep only to start up again around 7am. Throughout the day, I may have up to 5 of these cycles. A good day was having only 1 or 2. Even when not suffering the stabbing pains, I was lethargic and had trouble concentrating. There was a constant haze muffling my world and I had little desire to interact with it. I had been to 4 different doctors, 2 of which were headache specialists. I was put on more medications than I can remember, none of which made a noticeable difference – other than raising my blood pressure and helping me gain 30 lbs. that is.  After my first visit at HH, I went home and slept most of the weekend and had 3 days with only 1 headache. Subsequent visits have helped increase my energy and focus – my co-workers have noticed a huge difference. I am happier. Currently, I am going for treatment once a week. It has been a month since I have had a single migraine. It has been amazing how I feel and how much more I can, and want, to accomplish without my headache sand the negative emotions I fought because of them. Thank you Wendy and the Healing Hands!

(Neurological Disorder - Migraine)

Want to thank Guang for fixing my dizzy spells that I used to get. Also my low energy and keeping me healthy again. Also on my prolapsed bladder, which is getting stronger although it may take longer.



Wendy has rejuvenated my life from the inabilities to do the simplest thing like walking or turning my head. I have had two back surgeries for ruptured L4 and L5 discs in my lower back. I have had my left hip completely replaced. I have had surgery on my left knee for two torn meniscus, along with countless physical therapy sessions and more than (75) Chiropractic sessions in the past 6 years. At this exact same time last year, I was hospitalized and unable to move without screaming from pain. I was heavily sedated for five days because of the constant pain. I was later given neck injections to stop the pain in my neck and right arm. I was not about to go through this procedure again one year removed. It did stop the pain, but my blood sugar levels were out of control. Hence medications and insulin injections were now in order.

I made the decision to see an acupuncturist after the advice from my wife Eva to see if this could offer some relief. I have done and tried everything else. After the first week of seeing Wendy, it has changed my life! For the first week I have receive more relief than in the past twelve years! I have gotten more relief in one week than any surgery, physical therapy, pain medication has offered in the past twelve years.  I was able to walk long distances and actually run without having to bend over wincing in pain or reaching for a pain pill. When I first met Wendy, I could not even turn my head.  I have not been able to do much of anything with my family due to my inability to walk, or stand for more than five-ten minutes at a time. This past week, I haven't taken any pain medications..... No antidepressants to deal with the pain.....just three treatments with Wendy. My attitude has also done a 360. Sometimes when you’re in pain, you take it out on your loved ones...and for this I felt bad for doing that. I feel I have been given a second chance with life. And I plan to take full advantage of it with my family. Wendy has given me the most peace that I have had in the past twelve years. I am very grateful for every minute that Wendy has provided my life without pain. For me, this is priceless. I could never thank Wendy enough for what she has given back to me…freedom from pain…and my family!

Joseph B. 


After years of irregular periods, a Gyn diagnosed me with PCOS. The only options she presented me were expensive medications that did not agree with my body. They reacted with my thyroid disease and and migraines. I decided to find a safe and healthy alternative. After researching other options I found that acupuncture can help PCOS. When I came to Wendy and Guang I was just expecting to treat my PCOS, however acupuncture has not only helped my PCOS but also my energy levels, allergies and migraines. Wendy and Guang make you feel very comfortable. Acupuncture is a natural alternative instead of medication to complement a healthy lifestyle. 
Brittany W. 
(Women's Health - PCOS)


As a massage therapist and an individual who has received acupuncture in Europe, Latin America and several states in the U.S., I can attest to the fact the Ms. Wendy Liang is a world-class acupuncturist. Ms. Liang goes beyond the immediate problem and brings the entire body into a healthy balance. She is distinguished in her work. The Healing Hands Clinic has changed my life. I have relief from depression, sinus issues to just feeling amazing over all. Wendy is very caring and gifted. Karen is also very much caring and gifted. I highly recommend acupuncture no matter what your needs may be. Acupuncture is now apart of my life. Very thankful for Wendy. L.Y. 2018

Great Husband & Wife Acupuncture Team!

My husband & I have been going to Wendy & Guang for years. They have helped us with ailments that other modalities (such as Massage and Chiropractics) couldn't. Acupuncture is a wonderful complementary medicine that should be in every health-minded person's repertoire. They are the best!


Acupuncture. Very professional. I found relief for my health concerns. Would definitely recommend.



I have seen Guang for over 20 years for both acute (Bell's palsy) and chronic, vague aches and pains. I have also brought several friends and family members to him. This clinic provides very effective solutions to medical problems that are ignored by other physicians. Be patient, you will have to go more than once. Compared to an American approach, this is very well priced and the treatment is thorough. I have never been disappointed. 


(Neurological Disorder - Bell's Palsy and General Pain)

I have been going to Guang for over 10 years for various aches and pains. The most miraculous results were for Bell's Palsy. With 6-9 visits, the paralyzed side of my face came back to life. I have brought several family members. Guang and Wendy are very caring professionals. 

K.S. 12/16/11

John, 89 year old, suffered with shingle pain for 17 months. He has seen several doctors to find pain relief for shingles and was prescribed several medication to treat the pain. Lotions offered no significant relief at all. Acupuncture was recommended after the first treatment his pain level went down and he could touch the area affected by shingles for the first time in 17 months.

There are at least 40 acupunturists active in the Cleveland area. Wendy and her husband are two of them. We came to know them not by searching on the Internet, but by getting a recommendation of a friend living in Dallas, TX.

Wendy was the one who treated my wife. She was diagnosed with bell's palsy. There are four things that struck me when meeting her and after seeing her in the last treatment: passion for the work, honesty, kindness and effectiveness. We were so grateful to meet her and my wife got recovered very fast after around 12 treatments.

Come and see her and I am sure you won't be regretful...It's not really about treatment. It's a chance to meet someone who is kind and knows how to take care of you...

Kevin - Quynh Nguyen (Neurological Disorder - Bell's Palsy)


I went to The Healing Hands Clinic for sciatica in January 2011. Their treatment was very effective. I now go for other things as they occur. 

Steve Z. 

(Muscular/Skeletal Disorder - Sciatica)

Wendy has rejuvenated my life from the inabilities to do the simplest thing like walking or turning my head. I have had two back surgeries for ruptured L4 and L5 discs in my lower back. I have had my left hip completely replaced. I have had surgery on my left knee for two torn meniscus, along with countless physical therapy sessions and more than (75) Chiropractic sessions in the past 6 years. At this exact same time last year, I was hospitalized and unable to move without screaming from pain. I was heavily sedated for five days because of the constant pain. I was later given neck injections to stop the pain in my neck and right arm. I was not about to go through this procedure again one year removed. It did stop the pain, but my blood sugar levels were out of control. Hence medications and insulin injections were now in order.

I made the decision to see an acupuncturist after the advice from my wife Eva to see if this could offer some relief. I have done and tried everything else. After the first week of seeing Wendy, it has changed my life! For the first week I have receive more relief than in the past twelve years! I have gotten more relief in one week than any surgery, physical therapy, pain medication has offered in the past twelve years.  I was able to walk long distances and actually run without having to bend over wincing in pain or reaching for a pain pill. When I first met Wendy, I could not even turn my head.  I have not been able to do much of anything with my family due to my inability to walk, or stand for more than five-ten minutes at a time. This past week, I haven't taken any pain medications..... No antidepressants to deal with the pain.....just three treatments with Wendy. My attitude has also done a 360. Sometimes when you’re in pain, you take it out on your loved ones...and for this I felt bad for doing that. I feel I have been given a second chance with life. And I plan to take full advantage of it with my family. Wendy has given me the most peace that I have had in the past twelve years. I am very grateful for every minute that Wendy has provided my life without pain. For me, this is priceless. I could never thank Wendy enough for what she has given back to me…freedom from pain…and my family! 

Joseph B. 6/23/14


In November 2009, I injured my right elbow while taking a kick-boxing class. I was scheduled for shoulder surgery in December 2009. After the surgery, the surgeon and I discussed my elbow injury and an MRI indicated that I had tendinitis. The pain was excruciating, sleep was difficult and it kept me from doing many of my day- to-day activities. Over-the-counter plain relievers and ice did nothing to alleviate the pain. While not willing to have surgery (The surgeon said he could do the surgery), I asked his opinion of acupuncture, and that's when he told me about Wendy. He gave me her number and I made an appointment immediately. After approximately 2 months of treatment, a slight change in my diet, and doing warm salt wraps on my elbow, I woke up one morning and was shocked and thrilled that the pain was completely gone!

For over 30 years, I've had neck pain, due to a number of car accidents. I have seen physicians, physical therapists, chiropractors, taken yoga, over the counter meds, etc., but nothing ever removed or reduced the pain. When I was seeing Wendy for a new elbow issue (tendinitis), she zeroed in on my neck and after one treatment, the pain was nearly 100% gone! She will continue to treat it, but I've never been so close to being pain free in my neck in my life! Her instincts are second to none and continue to amaze me!
Patty G.

I was in a traumatic building elevator accident on August 9th 2011. I suffered a broken nose and sprains from my finger tips to my elbows on both arms resulting in nerve pain that never ended. I went through Physical Therapy and several medications. None worked on my 24/7 pain. A friend recommended The Healing Hands Clinic for acupuncture. They helped her with sciatica. My first appointment was February 6th, 2011 and I told Wendy that “I wanted my life back.” On February 26th, 2011, following my sixth treatment, I left their office pain free. Wendy is a wonderful, caring person with expert acupuncture healing abilities. I have not felt this good in years! I am so happy that Wendy gave me my life back with an abundance of energy! I have referred many friends who have pain they have been living with for a long time. I will continue to take care of myself by receiving a monthly acupuncture “tune-up.” They have exceeded all of my expectations. Thank you very much.

Cindy K.


I could not walk without difficulty and my prescribed medications were no longer helping. My doctors gave up on me and as a last resort I started acupuncture treatments. By the fourth treatment, I realized I was able to perform my daily activities again. I have been a patient of Guang and Wendy at The Healing Hands Clinic ever since. Thank you so much for giving my life back.

Helen L.

It has been my pleasure to have had Guang Liang for my acupuncturist since July of 2001. He has helped me with many health issues including sciatica problems, low back pain, sinus problems and arthritis to name a few. He is extremely experienced, well educated and licensed in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture. He has a quiet, calming approach and really understands the workings of the body and how Acupuncture can help your particular need. If you are looking for an alternative approach to help problems you are experiencing, you should make an appointment with Guang. I have trusted him for almost 14 years now and I have never been sorry. The real proof comes when you feel better.

Carol K.

I am very happy with the results of my three treatments by Wendy Liang at the hands clinic! This is my first experience with the healing powers of acupuncture. I came to Wendy with extreme pain in my left arm and shoulder. I have lost sleep for several nights in a row because of the pain.

A friend referred me to Wendy and Guang Liang who have practice traditional Chinese acupuncture for many years, and “They really know what they are doing!” now I know what she meant. After just one 25 minute treatment with needles and a bit of cupping, I came home feeling good. However, that night I have even more pain in my arm. At first I was discouraged. Then like magic, the pain disappeared! It was totally gone by the next day and it is still gone today, three weeks later.

Wendy takes my pulse and looks me in the eye, she sees and feels exactly what my body needs, how my energy is out of balance that day. Then I received the treatment, and listen to her comforting words afterward. She knows when my energy, my Chi, is flowing well to heal my body's weak spots. She knows how my heart connects to my body's other systems and to my overall well-being. This practitioner and her approach to improving my health on all levels is working. I am 74 years old and I feel that I have finally found my healing home!
Mary B.


Life is better since starting acupuncture with Wendy. I have been in pain since 1992. Over the years doctors prescribed many medications to manage my pain, but the medications didn’t work or made me feel worse. My doctor recommended acupuncture for my pain management, and as soon as the first treatment the pain decreased. Now life is better! I have more energy at work and my co-workers noticed that I am more friendly and easier to work with. Acupuncture is real! It has improved my quality of life and I am very glad the Healing Hands Clinic was recommended to me!
Alphonso H.


I was injured in a jumping accident in the 82nd Airborne Division in 1982. I had catastrophic injuries to my neck, back, and various body parts. I had suffered from headaches and pain for many years. When the VA assigned me a new Doctor, one of his first suggestions was to try acupuncture, and he recommended Wendy and her team because they were the ones he goes to for his own health issues. I was feeling better after the third visit and that was 6 years ago!! I walked out of the office today feeling like I was 20 years younger than I am (almost 63)!! The caring, holistic approach and compassionate nature of everyone there has me feeling like a Giant Marshmallow every time I walk out of the office!! I would recommend that everyone with chronic pain and fatigue issues to give Healing Hands a try, because they put love  & (Care) into every needle to insure that You walk out feeling like You are Whole Again!!! Thanks to Everyone there for helping me feel like my old self again!!!

Dennis J. 2023

I am a Vietnam veteran that suffered with chronic back pain since 1976. My pain levels were managed with prescription pain medication, aquatic therapy and using heat. Pain changed the way I lived and felt. I couldn't get around must without having long rests in between activities. My physician at the VA recommended that I try acupuncture for my pain. The treatments have been very effective in decreasing my low back pain. Now when I stand for long periods I feel pressure increasing in my back but the pain is minimal. I can now walk faster and for longer periods only having to take short breaks in between activities. I now use the stairs rather than an elevator. I sleep better and have more energy. I've been thinking about joining a gym to start exercising and swimming again. Friends notice how much better I am doing and tell me that I smile more. I am grateful that acupuncture has improved my quality of life and I plan on continuing the treatments along with aquatic therapy to manage my pain. R.J. 2018

I have chronic pain in my back and I have seen many specialists, tried so many drugs, and treatment plans/methodsI that only 2 drugs bring minimal, and I mean minimal, relief.

The VA recommended I give acupuncture a try and through Healing Hands.

My thoughts...waste.

Was I wrong!

Wendy is so caring and concerned about my needs.

Her staff and her are my angels.

They go beyond words.

Between My Special Lady and Healing Hands they are the only entities keeping me going.

Before going into treatment the pain was beyond a  was so bad I was deemed sucicidal. 

The pain  made me into something  I wasn't, a horrible person.

Now, treatment has brought the pain level down to levels I can tolerate.

Yes, there are days when nothing brings relief.

And I do have to have treatment every 3 weeks or my pain levels increase

But, what they have done for my betterment far outweighs these drawbacks.

Don't believe me?

I would be glad to speak to you about myself and how My Angels have help me.

I'm 72, Navy/Army vet.

Going there for over 2 years.,.

And, when it comes to my belief in acupuncture and Healing Hands, straight-forward.

Bruce S. 2023


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5500 Ridge Road Suite 218
Parma, Ohio 44129 Ohio

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